Mobile Packages

Jazz Super Ghanta Offer

Jazz Super Ghanta Offer is an hourly-based Data Bundle this Offer is available for Jazz customers for only Rs. 10.5 Incl. tax, you can subscribe to this offer by dialing Dial *638#, to check the Remaining MBs you can dial Dial *638*3#, and to unsubscribe from this offer dial Dial *638*4#

Super Ghanta offer price and subscription code

PriceRs. 10.5 Incl. Tax (Rs.12/hr 6PM-10PM) 
Data1000 MBs
Duration1 hour
To SubscribeDial *638#
To Check StatusDial *638*2#
To Un-SubscribeDial *638*4#
Jazz Super Ghanta offer

Also check: Jazz Internet Packages 2023

Terms and Conditions

  • This Offer is only for one Hour
  • Jazz can change this offer anytime
  • This offer is only for a limited time
  • During the 6 to 10 p.m. subscription time, customers will receive PKR 12 (including tax) per hour.
  • This offer is not auto-subscribe if you want to subscribe to this offer again then you have to dial the Dial *638#.

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